MT-100 Seagrowt Hand Calcium Remover
MASTERS TOUCH APPROACH (Using our exclusive non-toxic, bio-degradable and non-flammable solutions), If performed in, near or over a waterway, no perimeter containment necessary, Very minimal labor efforts, most systems can be cleaned without shutting the entire loop down!
- Air Conditioning Condensers;
- Engine Heat Exchangers;
- Refrigeration Condensers;
- Engine Cooling Systems;
- Generator Cooling Systems;
- Piping Holding Tanks & Lines;
- Sewer-Evac Systems ;
- Fresh Water Systems;
- PotableWaterSystems;
- Pumps, Compressors, Boilers.
There are many applications that actually demand the use of Masters Touch.
MT-100 Sea Growth and Calcium remover in lieu of other methods, such as (to name just a few):